Romance in America © 2001

Presented by
Dana Reeve of Lifetime Television and Hyperion Publishers
Dana Reeve,
actress/wife of Christopher Reeve, best known for his acting
roles as Superman, presents this touching collection of true
life romantic correspondence and the stories behind them.
Dana shares,
in her foreword, about how the love of her life, Christopher,
fell from a horse, sustaining a spinal-chord injury that
paralyzed him from the chest down, making him unable to
breathe. All over the world, thousands of caring letters and
healing wishes poured in, giving Christopher and Dana strength
and upliftment.
This is the
power of the written word and the power of love. Letters can
be treasures, exposing feelings, expressing love and recording
personal history and memories. In this book there is a
chapter entitled “CHANCE MEETING” all about the years when
LOVE AND MAGIC first met, including their years of
letter writing.
Richie, who
traveled from Brooklyn, New York, and Linda, who traveled from
Montreal, Quebec, met in a student hostel in Copenhagen,
Denmark. As soon as she walked in, Linda noticed Richie
sitting on a table by a window and immediately introduced
herself . Hours of conversations flew by. After unpacking
upstairs, she wrote in her dairy about how wonderful he was,
ending with “One day I hope to marry someone just like him!”
After 5 days
in Copenhagen, they exchanged addresses, kisses and goodbyes.
They continued their travels in different directions, but
never forgot the deep connection they felt together. When
Linda returned to Canada, she deeply hoped Richie would write
to her. At that exact moment, she heard the mail slip
through her door, and there was her first letter from Richie,
“love poem” and all!
Though their
travels kept them apart, their letter writing multiplied. For
the next few years, they wrote to one another faithfully,
without ever seeing each other. That’s where they shared all
their thoughts and feelings. Their “friend” letters soon
became “love” letters, with Richie mailing Linda love songs.
Circumstances could no longer keep them from reuniting. Soon
they moved in together, never to leave each other’s arms
proposed to Linda and 6 months after they wed, they returned
to the exact spot where they first met in Copenhagen, which
was so romantic and exciting. It was there, in that fairytale
city, that he discovered Linda sang. What an added surprise!
Copenhagen continued to be a magical spot for them. When
Richie took out his guitar on the “walking street” and began
to sing, Linda surprised him by singing along. Staring into
each others’ eyes, they began to sing his original songs,
drawing crowds around them in applause. The fun they had has
kept them singing ever since.
Their work
is play, where they get to celebrate life with people of all
ages, at the many venues Linda books for them. This allows
them to be together all the time, which they never tire of.
For some people, this is distasteful, but for LOVE AND
MAGIC, it’s a dream come true.
They are now
married 32 years and are still on their honeymoon, singing and
enjoying every moment together. They still have every single
letter in their keeping.
A LOVE LETTER by Richie Pollock
Dearest Linda,
My heart, so weary and restless before its time, so hollowed
by hurt, has found succor at your gentle breast. Once again
there is a glow, a fire stirred from dying embers. The sweet
chords of love resound heavy on my heartstrings and I live to
pluck them on and on endlessly. My mind, once drained with
thoughts of despair and gnawed at hungrily by sorrow, now,
like a fluttering white moth to light, joyfully flies to your
electricity; your spark that kindles the flame within me.
I long to write you liquid phrases that will swirl you and
swing you and keep you always floating in constant streams of
thought. I want to throw in my lines and fish your waters…I
want to swim in your senses…I want to feel your body floating
beneath me in rhythmic motions. I want to kiss your eyes in
hopes that when they open they will seek only my reflection.
And your mouth…Ahh what secrets abound, what pleasures your
tongue tells of. When I think of your mouth my mind
cartwheels and seesaws at your kisses. I live to press then
once again.
Your smiles…I could live on your smile…I would die for your
smile. I could breathe, taste and hear your smile, but I
cannot return it now. Your smile vibrates my soul and propels
my mind outwards to intertwine in mid-flight with yours.
Come, let us feast on food for thought. Feed me and I’ll feed
My darling….darling? Words are so meaningless. One word
could never describe what I want to call you, Linda. You’ve
given me your soul and your essence, but I crave your being,
corporally, physically and in the flesh.
My guitar can only softly sing your praises in melifluous
chord progressions and muted notes while I want to shout from
the rooftops, naked and unafraid, gazing at the stars while
cursing fate and distance. Oh, wretched geography, miles of
separation and highways leading everywhere but to your door.
Birds can fly and I whisper my song to them in hopes that
maybe one of them will see you and sing it to you for me;
capture you, enchant you, surround you in a magical spell
which will impel you to fly along with them to my side.
Our moments were fleeting and were gone in a flicker, but they
remain intact, written in a flowing hand across the pages of
my memory and my soul. For you are my soul, Linda, and
to forget you is to die inside. All I ask of you is forever
because that is what I have to give.
I love you and I want you, Richie.