"some dreams are like sand castles
battered by the tides
but for each dream that’s broken
there’s another satisfied
the secret’s in believing
someone’s always by your side
try to feel the air you’re
and enjoying being alive”
Richie Pollock |
AND MAGIC have 30
years experience sharing the magic of love with seniors through
their uplifting musical performance. From the healthy
and wealthy to the poor and dying,
seniors are thrilled by their dynamic energy, joyful spirit
and loving relationship.
concert contains songs from the 1920’s up, including Broadway
Showtunes, Richie’s original works,
plus songs in English, French, Hebrew and Yiddish. They offer
Holiday Shows for Christmas, Hanuka,
Purim, Valentine’s Day and St. Patrick’s Day. In addition,
they recite inspirational poetry,
often accompanied by beautiful instrumental arrangements.
participation adds to the fun. LOVE AND MAGIC’s music
is healing, life-affirming and
health-enhancing. DON’T MISS THE PARTY!
“Everyone is transformed. They’re lit up, their hands are
going, and they’re smiling because
we are having a joyful experience. Everyone has the capacity
for joy. All they have to do is see
it reflected to them.”
Richie Pollock
“To Book Shows”
click on CONTACT.
(Performance Venues are available upon
request to clients.) |